[CMake] Python version specification in FindPythonInterp is ignored

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Tue Jun 26 12:29:02 EDT 2012


Am Dienstag, 26. Juni 2012 schrieb Ateljevich, Eli :

> Hi Andreas,
> Thanks. This must be what is happening. The references I saw to
> CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH suggested it was environment-only and needs to be known
> "at cmake time". That didn't fit my needs well and even though it seemed
> funny I never challenged that.
> You are suggesting it can be set in cmake which I'll try. It would solve
> my issues, though my experience with customizing of this type is it needs
> to be done at the right moment in the cmake process which isn't always
> clear. Is there going to be a lot of extra stuff on CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH and I
> need to be appending?

Well, you just need to set it before the corresponding find_* calls,
usually this is supposed to be done on the cmake commandline via
-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=... Since the actual path to be used is usually
user-specific and hence for everybody needing it.

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