[CMake] dll not found in test app for library within visual studio solution (Windows)

Benjamin Kurz benjamin.kurz at bioskill.com
Mon Jun 25 15:47:16 EDT 2012

Thank you both for clarifying that for me.


Am 25.06.2012 um 21:31 schrieb Bill Hoffman:

> Bottom line is that Windows does not have an RPATH equivalent.   There is no way to embed a search path into an executable like there is on Linux/Unix.  Windows has a very simple search algorithm for dll's:
> 1. Is it in the same directory as the running .exe
> 2. Is it in the PATH
> So, you can use RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY to make sure that all the .dll and .exe files for a project are in the same directory, or you can set the PATH.
> -Bill
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