[CMake] simplest possible NSIS package

Andrea Crotti andrea.crotti.0 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 10:56:44 EST 2012

On 02/23/2012 02:32 PM, Andrea Crotti wrote:
> So I'm still struggling to get an actual installer.
> I copied almost the same example from the book:
> cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
> project (Prova)
> add_executable(prova a.c)
> install(
>   )
> include(CPack)
> cmake does all its job, the package is created without errors with
> cpack -G NSIS
> or make package
> but then windows complain that the file doesn't exist, even if it 
> actually does and it's not empty.
> Now I wonder, are there any compulsory variables for NSIS to get this 
> working?
> And if yes I even tried to run it with --warn-unitialized and it 
> doesn't say anything, shouldn't it warn
> me if I'm trying to use NSIS and I didn't initialize any of the useful 
> variables?
> Thanks,
> Andrea

It appears it's really a problem of NSIS, even trying the a small 
example (directly with makensis) from the website produces an
installer that doesn't work, I'll investigate in that direction then.

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