[CMake] Adding Platform files

Eric Noulard eric.noulard at gmail.com
Sat Dec 15 04:46:36 EST 2012

2012/12/14 Tim Gallagher <tim.gallagher at gatech.edu>:
> Hi,
> I have a folder inside my code repository we use to store custom modules and that folder was added to the search path. Inside that folder I added one called Platform/ and put a custom platform file in there. But CMake says it can't find the platform file.

How did you "add the folder to the search path" ?

In order for this to work one should modify CMAKE_MODULE_PATH
with something like:


the "Platform" directory should be below this custom dir.

**HOWEVER** you should be aware that platform files are read very
early in the CMake process and in any case during the "project(...)" command

So the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH modifications should appear BEFORE
any project(...) CMake command in order to be taken into account for that
particular project.

Usually you have something like:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)

# Update CMAKE_MODULE_PATH very soon
# in order to have access to Platform/xxxx.cmake files
# and avoid "unknown platform warning"

project(MyProject C)

With that it works for me.

> Is it possible to add custom platforms without having to put them in the CMake install tree?

Yes definitely.
I guess you may be modifying CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "too late"?

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