[CMake] How to use add_custom_command correctly

Martin Kupke martin.kupke at novero.com
Fri Sep 30 07:01:11 EDT 2011

On 29.09.11 01:46, Michael Hertling wrote:
> On 09/28/2011 01:45 PM, Martin Kupke wrote:
>> Now it seems to be solved, the generator is called and the generated
>> sources / headers are then compiled and linked into a library.
>> My changes are in the
>> D:/project/Discovery/Generated/Driver/CMakeLists.txt
>> just adding a add_custom_target( MyGeneratedSources ALL DEPENDS
>> ${all_generated_srcs} ${all_generated_hdrs} )
>> Additionally I added in the root CMakeLists.txt
>> add_dependencies( ${MY_PROJECT} MyGeneratedSources )
>> This works fine.
> Just two additional remarks:
> - For ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND(OUTPUT ...), it's documented explicitly
> that relative paths after the OUTPUT clause will be interpreted
> with respect to the current binary directory, so you may leave
> out the leading ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIRECTORY} and specify
> relative paths here. However, for the DEPENDS clause, there
> is no such documentation.
That wasn't my problem, because I didn't work with relative paths.
But still good to know from where the relative path has to be seen, 
thanks for the info!
> - A custom command's OUTPUTs must be mentioned as other targets'
> prerequisites, i.e. as source files in ADD_EXECUTABLE/LIBRARY()
> or after the DEPENDS clause of ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET() in the same
> CMakeLists.txt file. Otherwise, the rule for the then unused
> OUTPUT is dropped, and it will never be generated. Thus, for
> generated sources/headers, there should be no need for an
> additional custom target as a custom command's anchor.
This info with the ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET is the most important thing.
Thanks for your answers.

> Regards,
> Michael
>> On 28.09.11 13:34, Rolf Eike Beer wrote:
>>>> On 27.09.11 18:24, Michael Wild wrote:
>>>>> On 09/27/2011 05:59 PM, Martin Kupke wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> in my project there is a subfolder which SHALL contain sources to
>>>>>> generate a library. The problem is that at startup of the project there
>>>>>> are no source files existing, because they will be generated by a code
>>>>>> generator. This means within the build process the code generator needs
>>>>>> to be called first, then generates the output files in the subfolder
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> then a library shall be generated from that source files (this are
>>>>>> standard .c and .h files). If I start the code generator by hand to
>>>>>> generate the source files and remove the custom command, then the
>>>>>> compilation is successful, but I want the code generator to be started
>>>>>> every time the configuration file for the code generator has changed.
>>>>>> In my sample below
>>>>>> * the driver.c would be one of the files which the code generator would
>>>>>> generate
>>>>>> * the variable CodeGen is the executable tool (the code generator
>>>>>> himself)
>>>>>> * the variable CodeGenParam contains the parameters which are passed to
>>>>>> be able to generate without any user interaction
>>>>>> * the variable CodeGenConfig is the input file for the code generator
>>>>>> This subfolder contains its own CMakeLists.txt with the following
>>>>>> settings:
>>>>>> ##################### snip #####################
>>>>>> project(CANstack C)
>>>>>> add_custom_command( OUTPUT driver.c
>>>>>>                                               COMMAND ${CodeGen}
>>>>>> ${CodeGenParam}
>>>>>>                                               DEPENDS ${CodeGenConfig} )
>>>>>> )
>>>>>> file(GLOB CANstack_srcs "*.c")
>>>>>> file(GLOB CANstack_hdrs "*.h")
>>>>>> set(lib_name "CANstack")
>>>>>> add_library(${lib_name} STATIC ${CANstack_srcs} ${CANstack_hdrs})
>>>>>> ##################### snap #####################
>>>>>> I don't get it work that the custom command is called and the source
>>>>>> files from the code generator are produced.
>>>>> A few issues here:
>>>>> - Never generate output in the source tree, only in the binary tree.
>>>>> - Always use absolute paths with add_custom_command().
>>>> I use the absolute paths
>>>>> - Always list *all* outputs after the OUTPUT argument, otherwise CMake
>>>>> won't know that they are generated sources.
>>>> I added the list of *all* files which shall be generated
>>>>> - Never use file(GLOB ...). It is evil. And breaks in your case. Just
>>>>> don't.
>>>> I don't use the file(GLOB ...) anymore in this CMakeLists.txt
>>>>> Michael
>>>> In case the generated output files already exist and the dependency file
>>>> ${CodeGenConfig} has been touched, then the output will be generated.
>>>> Typically there is from beginning of the project no source file
>>>> existing, because the generator needs to be run first. If the output
>>>> files are not existing, then I get an error message from CMake:
>>>> ##################### snip #####################
>>>> CMake Error at Generated/CarIF_Appl/CANstack/CMakeLists.txt:31
>>>> (add_library):
>>>>      Cannot find source file:
>>>>        D:/project/Discovery/Generated/Driver/uart.c
>>>>      Tried extensions .c .C .c++ .cc .cpp .cxx .m .M .mm .h .hh .h++ .hm
>>>> .hpp
>>>>      .hxx .in .txx
>>>> ##################### snap #####################
>>>> How do I have to instruct CMake to run the code generator first, so that
>>>> the library can be build of that sources?
>>> Can you paste the relevant snippet from your new CMakeLists.txt?
>>> You can try this first and see if it helps:
>>> add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/driver.c
>>>                  COMMAND ${CodeGen} {CodeGenParam}
>>>                  DEPENDS ${CodeGenConfig} )
>>> add_executable(myexe ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/driver.c)
>>> Of course you must tell the CodeGen where to put the result, preferably by
>>> passing "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/driver.c" as argument (with the
>>> quotes, to make paths with spaces work right). If the generator can't
>>> handle this you can try to set WORKING_DIRECTORY to
>>> ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}, passing all other file arguments with
>>> absolute paths then.
>>> Eike
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*martin kupke*

can diagnostics engineer | senior software developer

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