[CMake] Using cpack for custom/local deployment

Alexander Broekhuis a.broekhuis at gmail.com
Wed Nov 16 08:11:02 EST 2011

Hi all,

I have some questions regarding the use of CPack and CMake.

What I'd like to do is have the a target execute multiple cpack
configurations (additionally, have a possibility to execute only one
The cpack config can use a component to do filtering on the artifacts
needed for one target. The set of artifacts needs to end up in a directory
in the project.

For example, I have three libraries/targets:

- A
- B
- C

Then I have 2 deployment targets (CPack configs):

- Deploy1
- Deploy2

The result has to be something like:

- Deploy1: A and B in a directory named Deploy1
- Deploy2: A and C in a directory named Deploy2

I currently have a solution which uses a macro and copies the artifacts to
the correct directory, but custom targets always assume "out-of-date". Is
it possible to introduce a target which depends on several others targets
and uses their "out-of-date" state?

Also, can CPack be used to deploy to an exploded directory? There doesn't
seem to be a Directory Generator.


Met vriendelijke groet,

Alexander Broekhuis
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