[CMake] Configuring external projects with cmake for a nonexistent install directory which is not configure-time writable

The Wanderer wanderer at fastmail.fm
Mon Mar 14 10:37:01 EDT 2011

(I apologize for setting the Reply-To header, but I know of no other way
to prevent my being sent an additional off-list copy of any reply even
when there is no specific need to draw my attention to that reply.)

I am running cmake 2.8.2, installed via Debian testing. No more recent
version appears to be available via Debian.

I am attempting to compile a project which has recently switched to
cmake after a long time spent on autotools.

The project uses, and includes the source to, at least two other
projects, which it treats as external projects.

The project explicitly requires (and enforces) an out-of-tree build.

I habitually install each new version of this particular project under
its own brand-new prefix, to more easily retain previous versions for
fallback if necessary. As a consequence, the target install prefix does
not exist at the beginning of the build process.

I configure and compile as an ordinary user, which does not have write
access to the install location. It has long been my understanding that
this is ordinarily considered good practice.

I am attempting to configure with the command line

cmake /path/to/source -DDEBUG=1 -DPREFIX=/path/to/nonexistent/install/dir

With this command, the configure process fails. The error message is:

CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/ExternalProject.cmake:504 
   file problem creating directory: /path/to/nonexistent/install/dir
Call Stack (most recent call first):
   dep/tbb/CMakeLists.txt:69 (ExternalProject_Add)

CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/ExternalProject.cmake:506 
   dir '/path/to/nonexistent/install/dir' does not exist after 
Call Stack (most recent call first):
   dep/tbb/CMakeLists.txt:69 (ExternalProject_Add)

Since the user running the cmake command does not have write access to
the install location, it is of course not surprising that the
MAKE_DIRECTORY attempt would fail. What is surprising is that cmake 
would even attempt to create the install directory at configure time.

This attempt is made by the following code snippet, in
_ep_set_directories from /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/ExternalProject.cmake:

   # Make the directories at CMake configure time *and* add a custom command
   # to make them at build time. They need to exist at makefile generation
   # time for Borland make and wmake so that CMake may generate makefiles
   # with "cd C:\short\paths\with\no\spaces" commands in them.
   # Additionally, the add_custom_command is still used in case somebody
   # removes one of the necessary directories and tries to rebuild without
   # re-running cmake.
   foreach(var ${places})
     string(TOUPPER "${var}" VAR)
     get_property(dir TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_${VAR}_DIR)
     file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${dir}")
     if(NOT EXISTS "${dir}")
       message(FATAL_ERROR "dir '${dir}' does not exist after 

(At a glance, the 'add_custom_command' referenced in the comment does
not seem to be present, but that's a separate issue.)

The 'places' variable appears to be set via the line

   set(places stamp download source binary install tmp)

As a result, cmake unconditionally attempts to create at configure time
any directories it expects to need for external projects at install
time, for the sake of (as best I can tell) DOS-based build
compatibility. Without write access to the install location at configure
time, this will inherently fail, and the build therefore cannot succeed
unless the directories already exist.

I have not been able to find any way to override this behavior. Looking
at the code snippet involved, I don't see any obvious way for there to
even currently be one.

I am not compiling in a DOS-related environment, and I am not using
either Borland make or wmake, nor do I ever expect to do either for this
project. (Insofar as I am aware, this project does not even use cmake
for its Windows port.) I therefore doubt that I will ever need the short
paths in question.

I know of only three ways to potentially get this project to build under
these circumstances:

* Run the configure process as a user with write access to the install
   location, such as the user which will run the install. This is a bad
   idea, for some of the same reasons you don't ordinarily want to
   compile as root.

* Manually create the install directory in advance. This is the sort of
   thing which should be automated, and should not need to be done by

* Comment out, delete, or otherwise disable the relevant FATAL_ERROR
   and possibly MAKE_DIRECTORY lines from the system-wide
   ExternalProject.cmake file, just for the sake of this one project's
   build. This does not seem appropriate, even though I can't think of a
   reason why it should ever lead to problems (with any project) in my
   "GNU make and Linux"-only setup. At a minimum, it would probably have
   to be re-fixed every time I install an updated version of cmake, since
   this file would probably get overwritten.

None of these three approaches seem acceptable.

Given that I know this directory creation attempt is not necessary for
the build and will fail, is there a way to override it, so that cmake
can proceed without manual intervention?

If so, how?

If not, I consider that a bug. Is there any chance of getting it fixed,
so that either the process can succeed fully automatically, or at least
I can explicitly tell cmake to skip attempting to create directories at
configure time?

       The Wanderer

Warning: Simply because I argue an issue does not mean I agree with any
side of it.

Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny.

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