[CMake] newbie q - where do I put what in which CMakeLists file? out of source build

Pierre Abbat phma at phma.optus.nu
Wed Mar 9 21:11:34 EST 2011

On Wednesday 09 March 2011 13:09:39 Michael Hertling wrote:
> Could you boil down your project to a minimal but complete example
> which demonstrates the issues with the header not being found and
> the files not being placed properly and post it here?

Here's an example of it compiling correctly, but making a package wrong: 
minimal.tar.gz .

-bash-4.1$ cd build
-bash-4.1$ cmake ../src
-- The C compiler identification is GNU
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU
-bash-4.1$ make
Scanning dependencies of target readmidi
[100%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/readmidi.dir/midi.o
Linking CXX executable readmidi
[100%] Built target readmidi
-bash-4.1$ ./readmidi
Header, 6 bytes
Track, 19 bytes
Track, 655 bytes
Track, 675 bytes
Track, 1491 bytes
Track, 1334 bytes
-bash-4.1$ make package_source
bash-4.1$ cd /tmp
-bash-4.1$ tar xvzf ~/minimal/build/minimal-0.1.1-Source.tar.gz
x minimal-0.1.1-Source/config.h.in
x minimal-0.1.1-Source/midi.h
x minimal-0.1.1-Source/CMakeLists.txt~
x minimal-0.1.1-Source/midi.cpp
x minimal-0.1.1-Source/CMakeLists.txt
x minimal-0.1.1-Source/midi.cpp~

For minimal2, follow the same steps except start with "cmake ..". The program 
doesn't compile; the package is rooted correctly, but contains contents of 
the build directory as well as the src directory.

Jews use a lunisolar calendar; Muslims use a solely lunar calendar.
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