[CMake] Library numeric extension?

David Doria daviddoria at gmail.com
Thu Jun 16 17:56:35 EDT 2011

I added a simple:

target_link_libraries(myprogram geotiff)

to my CMakeLists.txt file. I have a libgeotiff.so in a directory on my
LD_LIBRARY_PATH. The code compiled, but when I tried to run it, I got
an error that I was missing libgeotiff.so.2. I made a symlink from
libgeotiff.so.2 to libgeotiff.so, and then everything worked. Why was
this .2 introduced? Is there either 1) a way to stop it from getting
introduced or 2) a way to tell it "just use the closest file" so it
would use the libgeotiff.so without me needing to make a symlink?



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