[CMake] shell level access to values of cmake variables

Johannes Zarl johannes.zarl at jku.at
Wed Dec 21 02:27:56 EST 2011

Am Thursday, 10. November 2011, 18:48:06 schrieb vagn scott:
> is there something like
>          cmake --dump-var PROJECT_NAME
> that would output the string
>          hello_foo_baz

As far as I know CMake doesn't do this out of the box. As long as you have a 
configured build tree and only want to access cache variables, you could use 
the script mode.

Create a script named "printvar.cmake" with the following command:


Then you can do this in the build directory:

cmake . -DVAR=CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME -P ../printvar.cmake

Be aware, though, that the message is printed to stderr, not stdout. Other 
than that (and the issue that it is a dirty hack), this should do what you 


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