[CMake] 'uncaching' a path found by the find_XXX functions

J.S. van Bethlehem j.s.van.bethlehem at astro.rug.nl
Thu Apr 14 08:24:24 EDT 2011

Michael Wild wrote:
> On 04/14/2011 12:46 PM, J.S. van Bethlehem wrote:
>> Dear users,
>> As a new user CMake I've come across some things I don't fully
>> understand yet. Here is such a thing:
>> When a library consists of multiple separate lib-files, from the
>> archives it seems that the way to go when writing a 'Find'-module for
>> such a library, say library LIB, is first find each lib-file separately:
>> find_library(${LIB1_PATH} ${LIB1} ${SEARCH_PATH})
>> find_library(${LIB2_PATH} ${LIB2} ${SEARCH_PATH})
>> etc.
>> Then, when each of these were successfully found, do:
>> set(LIB_LIBRARIES ${LIB1_PATH} ${LIB2_PATH} [other library files] )
>> But now I want LIB_LIBRARIES do become cached - that can be done with
>> the CACHE option. But I also want the ${LIBX_PATH} variables NOT to be
>> cached. How do I accomplish that? And is this indeed the right way to go
>> with CMake?
>> Yours sincerely,
>> Jakob van Bethlehem
> Wrong, you never cache the XXX_LIBRARIES and XXX_INCLUDE_DIRS variables
> and leave the XXX_LIBRARY and XXX_INCLUDE_DIR variables cached. The
> former is for the use in the calling CMakeLists.txt file, while the
> latter are to be modified by your user in the CMakeCache.txt file. If
> you "uncached" them (why, by the way?), they wouldn't survive a
> re-configure and your user wouldn't have a chance to specify a different
> location.
> For more information, read the Modules/readme.txt file in your CMake
> installation.
> Michael
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Thanks for the detailed explanation and the hint for the readme.txt 
file. That helped a lot.
Greetsz, Jakob

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