[CMake] Beginner's Question: Organizing Projects

Rolf Eike Beer eike at sf-mail.de
Wed Oct 27 10:04:39 EDT 2010

> Thanks. The way I understand this is that now instead of
> include_directories(${GTKMM_INCLUDE_DIRS})
> i would write something like
> include_directories(${GTKMM_INCLUDE_DIRS})
> # and at the end of the file
> ? I'd do the same with the LINK_DIRECTORIES, LINK_LIBRARIES property and
> for all other libraries?

Don't set LINK_DIRECTORIES and LINK_LIBRARIES. When you are a beginner
probably every usage of them is wrong.

You simply do

TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(mytarget ${GTK_LIBRARIES}) (or however that is called)

The only thing you need to "export upwards" in this case would be the


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