[CMake] Escaping semicolons in COMPILE_FLAGS on msvc

David Genest david.genest at ubisoft.com
Mon Oct 18 12:50:40 EDT 2010


I have tried and tried, but haven't succeeded to include a semicolon as a COMPILE_FLAGS property for a file. I turn to you for wisdom:

I need to get this as a result in the pre-processor definitions: 


But when I use the following escape sequence in set_source_files_properties:

set_source_files_properties(source.c PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-DMYPATH=\\\"d:\\\;.\\\\Lib\\\"")

the generated result is: MYPATH=\"d:\\";".\\Lib\"

note the quoted semicolon. Is there a quoting workaround to allow unquoted semicolons?

Thank you,


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