[CMake] cmake and boost

James C. Sutherland James.Sutherland at utah.edu
Fri Mar 19 15:34:27 EDT 2010

> Why not just let the user decide where they'd like to get boost, and simplify your build system by just using find_package(Boost)?
> For example, this is all you need for a simple boost-using app...
> find_package(Boost 1.34.0 REQUIRED COMPONENTS filesystem system)
> include_directories(${Boost_INCLUDE_DIR})
> add_executable(yourapp yourapp.cpp)
> target_link_libraries(yourapp ${Boost_LIBRARIES})
Indeed this is the best approach, although it isn't quite that straightforward in all cases since the FindBoost.cmake module functions a bit differently with the CMake installation than it does with the bjam installation.  For example, I do something like:

  set(Boost_USE_STATIC ON)
  find_package( Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS ${boost_comps} NO_MODULE )
  find_package( Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS ${boost_comps} )

where I define BOOST_CMAKE if I have a cmake-based boost installation.
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