[CMake] Static Modules

Markus Raab usenet at markus-raab.org
Tue Mar 9 17:16:44 EST 2010

Hi list!

I am currently trying to migrate a autotools project to cmake.

The project used modules intensively. It was possible to compile all these
modules also statically and link them together to a single static library.
Is this supported out of the box by cmake? How?

This was realized by exporting all symbols with following shell code:

for lib in "$@"
        if [ -r $lib ]; then
                echo "Get objects files for $lib ..."
                @AR@ t $lib | @AWK@ -v "dir=`dirname $lib`" '/^[^_]/ {printf "%s/%s ",
dir,$0}' >> objects
                echo "SKIPED: $lib doesn't exist."

echo "" >> objects

and then add it to the library with:
libelektra_a_LIBADD = `cat objects`

Step 1 could stay as is (even thouch a solution not requiring a shell and ar
program would be prefered), but how to add specific symbols to a static
library using cmake?

best regards

http://www.markus-raab.org | Sei nicht ungeduldig, wenn man deine
                      -o)  | Argumente nicht gelten läßt.  -- Goethe, 
Kernel 2.6.24-1-a      /\  | Maximen und Reflexionen  
on a x86_64           _\_v | 

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