[CMake] CMake 2.8.1 RC 4 is ready to try

Alan W. Irwin irwin at beluga.phys.uvic.ca
Sat Mar 6 13:43:08 EST 2010

On 2010-03-06 18:21+0100 Micha Renner wrote:

> Am Samstag, den 06.03.2010, 09:08 -0800 schrieb Alan W. Irwin:
>> Just to add some more data and opinion to this thread, I always bootstrap in
>> a clean source tree (freshly downloaded from kitware) out of inertia. That
>> procedure is how I started to build CMake years ago, and it has always
>> worked.  In fact, that procedure worked just fine for cmake-2.8.1-rc3 on my
>> Debian Lenny platform.  So I suspect Micha Renner didn't have a clean
>> bootstrap=source tree or some issue like that.
> No, it was clean. I downloaded the compressed file, unpacked, read
> readme.txt and started bootstrap. That's all.

Hi Micha:

What specific URL did you download?

My previous data was for 2.8.1-rc3.  Just now I downloaded
http://www.cmake.org/files/v2.8/cmake-2.8.1-rc4.tar.gz. Bootstrap in source
tree (and subsequent build, install, and use of CMake-2.8.1-rc4) worked fine
on Debian Lenny.

Did you download some other file (perhaps one with Windows line endings)?

If the file downloaded was actually cmake-2.8.1-rc4.tar.gz are you sure it
was a clean download?  (In the absence of a checksum or signature file, the
only way you can assure a clean download is to download twice to two
separate directories and then compare the two compressed tarballs with
diff.) Normally, I don't download twice, but if I get peculiar errors that
nobody else can reproduce (like it appears you have done), that's one of the
first things I would try.

I am pretty sure some simple issue like this is the answer, but if not,
there is always extremely unlikely possibilities like the g++ version
sensitivity issue I mentioned.

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (astrowww.phys.uvic.ca).

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state implementation
for stellar interiors (freeeos.sf.net); PLplot scientific plotting software
package (plplot.org); the libLASi project (unifont.org/lasi); the Loads of
Linux Links project (loll.sf.net); and the Linux Brochure Project

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