[CMake] How to refer to current configuration?

Michael Wild themiwi at gmail.com
Sun Jan 17 05:06:31 EST 2010

On 16. Jan, 2010, at 22:10 , Timothy Reaves wrote:

> 	I have a project that produces a dynamic library.  This gets built to a directory that in the src tree.  Specifically, it is put in a subdirectory of src that is the same as the name of the active configuration.  So if I am building a debug release, the path is src/Debug/my.dylib, and for release, it's src/Release/my.dylib.  My question is, what cmake variable refers to this location? The CMAKE_BINARY_DIR variable only refers to the src directory.


Are you sure you mean the source tree? Or are you doing in-source builds? You shouldn't do that: http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/CMake_FAQ#Out-of-source_build_trees


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