[CMake] Would it be possible to have cmake make final binaries?

David Cole david.cole at kitware.com
Tue Aug 31 12:59:33 EDT 2010

Steps 7 thru 10 on your list may be performed by the command lines:
  cmake --build . --config Release
  cmake --build . --target install --config Release
  (equivalent to the "make; make install" parts of your example command

Causing that to happen in delicious GUI form would be simple enough... But
do enough people want this...? Or do people like switching over to the IDEs?

We've talked about a "build" button in the cmake-gui before, but if errors
occur, you have to go elsewhere to edit code anyhow.

If we have a build button, we have to:
- make sure we handle voluminous output from the build tools
- provide a way to interrupt a build in progress when the observer can't
wait any longer...

It shouldn't be hard, but it's not entirely trivial either. Deliciousness
never is.

What do others think? Is this a thing you've always wanted, or something
you've never even wished for...?


(this is the cross-platform equivalent of "make; make install" in your

On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 11:33 AM, Mark Roden <mmroden at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm wondering if it would be possible to have CMake bypass IDEs altogether
> and just produce the final, installed results.
> Right now, I do this:
> 1) download source
> 2) configure source
> 3) tweak settings
> 4) configure source again
> 5) Probably configure a third time, depending on what CMake wants to make
> the 'generate' button show up
> 6) generate code
> 7) open IDE
> 8) select build style (debug, release, etc)
> 9) build
> 10) build install
> 11) use libraries/exes/etc
> Would it be possible to combine steps 6-10 with a single button in CMake?
> That is, have a CMake default flag that is 'build style', and have that be
> something like 'debug' (which corresponds to a set of compiler switches,
> etc), 'release' (other switches), and so forth.  Have that show up as a
> simple option when configuring.  Then, rather than having to go through all
> subsequent steps, just have a third button that is 'build and install', that
> just goes right to building and installing?
> The idea is that if I need to set up a development environment on a new
> machine, or recover from a crash, or the like, I should be able to download
> the source and (ideally) press a single button to make it happen.
> I've followed this style:
> http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/fog0000000043.html
> for a while now, and having the one-button deployment really shows
> weaknesses in the process, as well as really helps have end users get to
> what they actually want, which is an installed, usable version of the code
> that they downloaded.  It's like running ./configure; make; make install
> from the command line, but in delicious GUI form and allowing you to easily
> flip whatever switches you want in step 3 above.
> Make sense?  Good idea/bad idea?
> Thanks,
> Mark
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