[CMake] CTest fails to find test command : bug in use of FileExists() + suggested fix.

Richard Offer richard at whitequeen.com
Sat Aug 14 17:59:07 EDT 2010

One of my test cases needs sudo to run (its listening on privileged ports).

If I add

  ADD_TEST( SERVER /usr/bin/sudo

CMake complains that it can¹t find sudo.

[ d042 ] make test
Running tests...
Test project /Users/richard/BUILD
    Start 1: SERVER
Could not find executable /usr/bin/sudo
Looked in the following places:

However (on OS X and Linux) sudo is not readable (although it is

In Source/CTest/cmCTestTestHandler.cxx (line 1494) you¹re using
cmSystemTools::FileExists(attempted[ai].c_str() ) to test for the presence
of the testcase.

Looking in Source/kwsys/SystemTools.cxx line 919 shows that on non-Windows
systems its using access(path, R_OK), which checks to see if the path has
read permissions.

Might I suggest replacing the call to FileExists()
Source/CTest/cmCTestTestHandler.cxx  in with a new test  -
FileIsExecutable() since the only requirement is to be able to execute the
program, not read it.


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