[CMake] Support for multiple components in cpack

Chris Wolf cw10025 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 10 08:48:41 EDT 2010

On 8/9/10 2:22 PM, Eric Noulard wrote:
> 2010/8/9 Chris Wolf <cw10025 at gmail.com>:
>> On 8/9/10 12:11 PM, Kishore wrote:
>>> On Friday 06 Aug 2010 4:18:36 am Eric Noulard wrote:
>>>> 2010/8/4 Kishore <kitts.mailinglists at gmail.com>:
>>>>> On Monday 02 Aug 2010 4:59:47 pm Eric Noulard wrote:
>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>> I did add a patch for the "multiple file problem"
>>>>>> http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=10736
>>>>>> May be interested people can have a try and comment
>>>>>> this patch.
>>>>>> It adds the possibility  for any CPack generators to generate multiple
>>>>>> file. It adds "preliminary" support for component to all "Archive
>>>>>> Generators" (ZIP, TGZ, STGZ etc...) as an example of use.
>>>>>> The change is "backward compatible" in the sense that if
>>>>>> all CPack generators (but the archive one) behaves as before
>>>>>> with either componentized  project or not.
>>>>>> Waiting for feedback before going on
>>>>> Thanks. It just tried this and it works as claimed. Later today, i will
>>>>> inspect the generated packages on a windows machine too.
>>>> Do you have feedback on WIndows?
>>> I tried this on windows today and it works fine there too! :)
>>> While i was with a windows machine, i also noticed that with the NSIS
>>> installer, installation of libraries was not forced when applications alone
>>> was chosen. Also, i wonder if there is a way to set which components should be
>>> preselected. I guess I should just read the documentation first! :)
>> I am going to want this on MacOS.  However, on this page:
>> http://www.itk.org/Wiki/CMake:Component_Install_With_CPack
>> A remark was added on 18 June, which reads:
>>    Also, as of the time of this writing, the extensions to CPack
>>    required to build component-based installers are only available
>>    via CMake CVS.
> June yes, but oldish June:  18 June 2008  :-)
> Clearly the page needs an update :-)
>> My version of CMake is 2.8.2, which I installed via an installer.  Does this mean
>> that in order to build a component-based (not monolithic) installer with
>> PackageMaker, that I need to checkout CMake and built from source?
> Nope,
> The PackageMaker seems to already support component installation
> but apparently only for MacOS > 10.4:
> from the code:
> bool cmCPackPackageMakerGenerator::SupportsComponentInstallation() const
> {
>   return this->PackageCompatibilityVersion >= 10.4;
> }
> I leave the MacOS oriented support to other people because I didn't my hand
> on a Mac for at least a decade :-)

Actually, it almost works for me, but not quite.  I have three "install" commands,
one for headers, one for libraries and one for docs.

If I build the installer (for MacOS using the PackageMaker generator) without
components, then all the stuff, including shared library and it's version
symlinks, is picked up and will install as expected.

If change to give a "COMPONENT <name>" to each "install" command and
follow with set(CPACK_COMPONENTS_ALL libs headers docs)

Then a *.mpkg type package is created (multi-package), as expected, and if I run that,
then I get an optional "customize" button, again, as expected - where
I can select or deselect the three components.  Unfortunately, the 
"libs" component only includes the static library in it's sub-component,
so that's all the gets installed. 

Again, if I don't use components, then both static and shared libraries,
including shared library version symlinks, get installed properly.

Any ideas?



The relevant pieces of my CMake code are:

add_library(usbDynamic SHARED ${libusb_srcs})
add_library(usbStatic STATIC ${libusb_srcs})
set_target_properties(usbDynamic PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME usb-1)
set_target_properties(usbDynamic PROPERTIES VERSION 1.0.8 SOVERSION 0)
set_target_properties(usbDynamic PROPERTIES
   INSTALL_NAME_DIR "/usr/local/lib")

set_target_properties(usbStatic PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME usb-1.0-static)
    target_link_libraries(usbDynamic pthread rt)

add_executable(lsusb lsusb.c)
add_dependencies(lsusb usbDynamic)
add_dependencies(lsusb libusb.h)
target_link_libraries(lsusb usb-1)

install(TARGETS usbDynamic usbStatic
                    GROUP_READ GROUP_EXECUTE
                    WORLD_READ WORLD_EXECUTE
        COMPONENT libs)

install(FILES libusb.h DESTINATION include/libusb-1.0
        COMPONENT headers)

install(DIRECTORY doc/ DESTINATION share/doc/libusb-1.0
        COMPONENT docs
        PATTERN doc/*

set(CPACK_COMPONENTS_ALL libs headers docs)

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