[CMake] MinGW: running test driver fails, dll not found

Daniel Franke franke.daniel at gmail.com
Mon Aug 9 18:54:07 EDT 2010

Hi all.

I wrote some unit tests for a library target in my project. A driver 
application links the library and runs the tests. This works fine with 
Makefile targets on Linux. With MinGW Makefiles on Windows, the driver 
properly links, but when running `make test`, the system complains that it can 
not find the dll linked previously ("The application has failed to start 
because target.dll was not found. [...]"). 

Is there any cmake-magic that would allow to run `make test` on MinGW similar 
to any Linux or Mac environment, i.e. without any manual steps? Anything but a 
custom target to copy the dll in question into the directory of the test 
driver or modifying %PATH%?



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