[CMake] Read multiple path names from filesystem

Tim Just tim.just at rwth-aachen.de
Thu Oct 29 06:11:22 EDT 2009


I'm using CMake 2.8 rc3 on Ubuntu to build a modular and extensible 
project. Therefore I have a directory called 'modules' beneath the 
project root. In this folder may be an undefined number of subfolders 
containing module sources and CMakeLists.txt files. In the 
CMakeLists.txt in project root, I try to find out which modules exist in 
the modules folder. To do so I'm using find_path:

find_path(MODULE_PATH CMakeLists.txt PATHS modules/* NO_DEFAULT_PATH)
get_filename_component(MODULE_NAME ${MODULE_PATH} NAME)

This works for ONE module, but I want to find ALL modules in the 
directory. The number of modules is not known in advance.

Has anyone suggestions how to realize this functionality?

Thanks for your help,


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