[CMake] FindPkgConfig: Using *_LIBRARY_DIRS

Murray Cumming murrayc at murrayc.com
Fri Oct 23 07:42:08 EDT 2009

pkg_search_module() defines SOMEPREFIX_LIBRARY_DIRS among other things,
as mentioned here
(better than the documentation at 

But how can I use those directories so my executable can actually be
linked against the SOMEPREFIX_LIBRARIES libraries that I've specified to

Actually, I would much rather just tell the build system to use
SOMEPREFIX_LDFLAGS instead of dealing with the directories and libraries
separately. That's what I do with autoconf/automake.

Also, if I use several libraries, do I need separate pkg_search_module()
calls, and therefore several sets of variables? I'd much rather just
give a list of libraries and get one set of CFLAGS and LDFLAGS. Again,
that's what I do with autoconf/automake.

murrayc at murrayc.com

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