[CMake] SWIG runtime header and "make install"

Bill Spotz wfspotz at sandia.gov
Fri May 29 13:41:45 EDT 2009


I am using CMake to build compile SWIG-generated python extensions,  
and I have added

     SET(SWIG_RUNTIME swigpyrun.h)
       COMMAND ${SWIG_EXECUTABLE} -python -external-runtime

to my CMakeLists.txt file so that I can utilize the SWIG run-time type- 
checking functions, by generating swigpyrun.h in the build directory.   
When I run

     $ make install

I get

     CMake Error at packages/PyTrilinos/src/cmake_install.cmake:59  
       file INSTALL cannot find file
       to install.
     Call Stack (most recent call first):
       packages/PyTrilinos/cmake_install.cmake:39 (INCLUDE)
       cmake_install.cmake:46 (INCLUDE)

So my questions are: (1) why does CMake not know that swigpyrun.h is  
in the build directory, (2)  why does CMake think swigpyrun.h needs to  
be installed, and (3) how can I tell CMake that it does not need to be  


** Bill Spotz                                              **
** Sandia National Laboratories  Voice: (505)845-0170      **
** P.O. Box 5800                 Fax:   (505)284-0154      **
** Albuquerque, NM 87185-0370    Email: wfspotz at sandia.gov **

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