[CMake] Relative include() calls

Michael Jackson mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
Thu May 28 13:05:37 EDT 2009

There is a pattern that I use that is similar to what you are wanting  
so I'll just throw it out there for your consideration:

project (Foo)

#CMake will now Define Foo_SOURCE_DIR which
# is the same as the current directory. It is
# also put into the cache.

include (${Foo_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/common.cmake)

# CMake also defines PROJECT_NAME which takes on the last
# invocation of the "project()" command. So you could rewrite
# the above as:

include (${${PROJECT_NAME}_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/common.cmake)

Then inside of common.cmake you can use the following:

include (${Foo_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/BoostUtils.cmake)

which will generally work but will _still_ fail if you decide
to try and reuse the code in other projects. So what I decided
was to use "Convention Over Configuration" in all my projects.

I _always_ have a "Resources" directory in my project. Inside of that
directory is _always_ a CMake directory. So in the top level  
file of my project I set the following:


That way if I have cmake code that needs to reference those  
directories I always have
cmake variables that can point to the proper directory and I _always_  
refer to
files in those directories by their full name:

include (${PROJECT_RESOURCES_DIR}/MyReallyCoolCMakeMacros.cmake)

Just some thoughts.
Mike Jackson                  mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
BlueQuartz Software                    www.bluequartz.net
Principal Software Engineer                  Dayton, Ohio

On May 28, 2009, at 12:17 PM, Robert Dailey wrote:

> On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 11:06 AM, Tyler Roscoe <tyler at cryptio.net>  
> wrote:
> On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 10:42:03AM -0500, Robert Dailey wrote:
> > The most annoying thing about this solution, though, is that every  
> single
> > CMakeLists.txt that includes this module needs to make sure it has
> > CMAKE_MODULE_PATH setup properly. It's just a bit redundant and
> > tedious.
> You're kind of a hater, aren't you Robert?
> I never said I hated anything, I just said it was just a little bit  
> obnoxious (redundant/tedious).
> Can you just set CMAKE_MODULE_PATH in your ../cmake/common.cmake? If  
> all
> your Lists include that then you only need to set it once.
> Yep I thought about this too, but it is still not the perfect  
> solution I had in mind :) Not having to set it at all is the ideal  
> path, but we can't all get our way :)
> Thanks for your help.
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