[CMake] Fwd: How to get the evaluated path to a target - MSVC

John Drescher drescherjm at gmail.com
Fri May 22 15:08:44 EDT 2009

On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 12:18 PM, Steve Huston <shuston at riverace.com> wrote:
> I'm using cmake for some cross-platform Linux/Windows stuff. When
> ctest runs my tests, there is often the need to have a wrapper script
> run the test - it sets up env variables (sometimes by reading the
> content of a file), runs the test, scans log files, runs valgrind,
> etc. So, I'm passing the actual test exe name to the script, and the
> script runs it at the proper time.
> This works fine on Linux. On Windows, however, I'm having a problem
> getting the actual path - when I get the LOCATION property, it has
> $(OutDir) embedded. Visual Studio can substitute this in if ctest/VS
> is directly executing the test. However, if passed to the wrapper
> script, the VS OutDir variable is not available. Is there a portable
> way to get the test executable's path (either relative or complete) so
> I can pass it to the wrapper script?

Shouldn't you already know the path in your CMakeLists.txt?

It should be somewhere off of


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