[CMake] include_directories per target

Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman at kitware.com
Wed May 13 09:39:09 EDT 2009

Olivier Delannoy wrote:
> I have probably wrongly explained my issue. I have my source code
> located in several folders based on the component / library they are
> part of. But I don't want to have recursive make so I don't want to
> have my project relying on add_subdirectory(). Thus all my target are
> located in the main directory and refers to file located in different
> folders relative to the current hierarchy. I don't think there is
> anything wrong with that and I know how to do it. However, I would
> like to be able to ensure that only the library/component that use a
> library have access to the header file of that library.

Why are you afraid of recursive make?  CMake does not generate makefiles 
like that anyway.   It does use some recursive make, but will use that 
regardless of add_subdirectory or not.  It is needed to get depend 
information to work correctly, and to make sure everything is up-to-date 
and in place before the build.   CMake will do the right thing if you 
use add_subdirectory.


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