[CMake] Macro/function called that depends on the parameter of a macro

Olivier Delannoy olivier.delannoy at gmail.com
Tue May 12 07:05:05 EDT 2009

I am trying to integrate third party library without doing recursive
project and the add_subdirecty command. I would like to know what is
the syntax that could allow something similar to:
where IMPORT_LIBRARY_${_LIB}_USED_BY is defined when including the
import library definition in the current project.

macro(target_use_import_library _LIB _TARGET)
# more bookeeping here
# more bookeeping here

Cmake include failed reporting an error about command name expected.

Any clue is more than welcome.


Olivier Delannoy
Website: http://olivier.delannoy.dalfy.org/

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