[CMake] library usage

Simon Friedberger simon+cmake at a-oben.org
Mon May 11 21:33:19 EDT 2009

Hello listmembers,

I have just spent the better part of today trying to convert my old
Makefile to a CMakeLists.txt and failed miserably. I may have made some
major mistakes since this is my first such effort.

I could not figure out how to include libraries correctly so in the end
I tried to create the behavior of the old Makefile with cmake and not
even that worked.

Hence I posted my old Makefile, CMakeLists.txt and linker error at

It would be nice if somebody could take a look at it and give me a
pointer to what might be wrong.

In the long run an example how to include shared and/or static libraries
would be preferable of course. If you like I can also post my attempts
in that direction.


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