[CMake] eclipse generator and sibling folders

Eric Noulard eric.noulard at gmail.com
Sun May 10 10:13:47 EDT 2009

2009/5/10 Eric Noulard <eric.noulard at gmail.com>:
> 2009/5/8 Eric Noulard <eric.noulard at gmail.com>:
>>> Ah, no problem. I was just thinking that there might be a bug. BTW,
>>> did you try the ECLIPSE_CDT4_GENERATE_SOURCE_PROJECT option?
>> Yes it wokrs just fine.
>>> It is no the nicest solution, but it works around the problem of the
>>> out-of-source builds with CVS sources. It is described here:
>>> http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/Eclipse_CDT4_Generator
>> Yes that's right, that's just you have 2 project instead of one, but
>> I know it's currently the best you can do.
> Miguel,
> After some thought about 2 projects things with Eclipse CDT generator
> I would have a suggestion.
> why do you generate 3 projects files.
> I.e. two in the build dir (.project a


two in the build dir: (for building debugging etc...)
    .project   --> with link ressource to source

one in the source dir: (for source control).

Why don't you generate the .project and .cproject directly
in the source tree?
 I know that's bad but in the short term this is fine (at least for me).

You may generate the same file content but update:

     with the same content as the current <build_dir>/.project
    however the BuildLocation should refer to the <build_dir>

     is the same a before but you update the BuildTargets
     with appropriate change dir (-C) option to make:

    <buildArguments>-C build_dir </buildArguments>

I did it "by hand" and it seems to work fine.
It has the same drawback as the current
i.e. putting files in the source dir, however you now have
only one project to import with "intuitive" source control
with Eclipse Team.

Do I miss something?

This should not change the behaviour of Eclipse CDT generator


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