[CMake] Qt4 LUpdate and Blanks in the Build Directory Path

Allen Barnett allen at transpireinc.com
Wed May 6 10:06:01 EDT 2009

I (unwisely) created the build directory for a Qt4 project in a path
with blanks in the directory names. The QT4_CREATE_TRANSLATION macro in
FindQt4.cmake generates a minimal .pro file for the use of lupdate. When
the macro writes the _lupdate.pro file, it doesn't take into account
that the source files may have blanks in their path, leading to a bad
_lupdate.pro file.
This is in cmake 2.6.4.

Allen Barnett
E-Mail: allen at transpireinc.com
Skype:  allenbarnett
Ph:     518-887-2930

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