[CMake] Why jars not linked to other files directly in cmake

Robert Haines rhaines at manchester.ac.uk
Wed Mar 25 06:31:31 EDT 2009

> I have seen that only including the directories where jars exist wil  
> not solve the puprose of using those jars. we have to either extract  
> the files from it or either include the directories where the file  
> exists from which jars have been made.

Have you actually tried including the jars themselves? eg  
include_directories(/path/to/jar/mylib.jar) This works fine for me and  
is consistent with how you must list jars in CLASSPATH. Admittedly,  
using include_directories for this feels a bit clunky, but it does  


Robert Haines

Research Associate, RealityGrid          Tel. : +44 (0)161 275 6067
Research Computing Services              Fax. : +44 (0)161 275 0637
University of Manchester                 Email: rhaines at manchester.ac.uk
Oxford Road                              Web  : www.realitygrid.org
Manchester, M13 9PL                           : www.rcs.manchester.ac.uk

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