[CMake] Eclipse generator - basic macros

Michael Jackson mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
Tue Jul 14 15:18:56 EDT 2009

  If you are using nmake then you are using MSVC which means you would  
drop down into the #if defined (_MSVC_VER) block. At that point  
FLOW_DLL is going to be defined as either the import or export version  
neither of which I have any faith that CDT Would be able to parse any  
way (or it might but I am not holding my breath). So my guess is that  
it is not going to work but not because of CMake or anything else, it  
would probably be CDT's fault.

And if you _are_ using nmake successfully with CDT, how are you doing  
that. I have tried more than a few times to set that up all without  
any luck.

** I am also assuming you mean the nmake that comes with Visual Studio  
and not the nmake that comes with UWin from AT&T....

Mike Jackson                 www.bluequartz.net

On Jul 14, 2009, at 3:10 PM, Miguel A. Figueroa-Villanueva wrote:

> Well, I see it as a viable workaround, but only if you use eclipse
> only with gcc. In the case where you might use nmake/eclipse, then it
> won't work.

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