[CMake] Issue with list( REMOVE_DUPLICATES )

David Cole david.cole at kitware.com
Thu Jan 22 14:13:54 EST 2009

Print it out to make sure it is what you think it is. Perhaps it's empty and
REMOVE_DUPLICATES doesn't like empty lists? If so, file a bug:
REMOVE_DUPLICATES should probably just be a silent no-op if the list is
Or is it a variable that is not defined?

What does:
MESSAGE(STATUS "list_var='${list_var}'")
MESSAGE(STATUS "${list_var}='${${list_var}}'")
...executed just before the REMOVE_DUPLICATES call print out?

On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 1:26 PM, Robert Dailey <rcdailey at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 5:39 AM, David Cole <david.cole at kitware.com>wrote:
>> Use "list_var" instead of "${list_var}"
>> ${list_var} will only work if it happens to evaluate to the name of a list
>> variable....
> That was the entire point :)
> list_var isn't a list, it's a variable pointing to a list. Apologies if I
> did not explain this properly before.
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