[CMake] Confusion on how find_package works.

Robert Dailey rcdailey at gmail.com
Tue Jan 13 17:08:54 EST 2009


I'm currently looking at FindZLIB.cmake trying to understand how it works
and I just can't seem to make sense of it. I have a few questions:

   1. How does find_path() know where to look? Where is it looking? Where is
   it told where to look?
   2. Question #1 with find_library() as well.

It would be great to be able to set a root directory with all my libraries
in it and have it recursively go through it and find the file it is looking
for. This would be a convenient (but slow) way of getting find_path() and
find_library() to work reliably in my case. Thanks in advance for any help.
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