[CMake] What sets UNIX, WIN32, et al.?

Phil Smith phil at voltage.com
Fri Jan 9 18:01:38 EST 2009

I have a CMake setup that works for me. Our CMake setup is kind of complex, due to use of a cross-compiler for z/OS.

A colleague (geographically remote) has been using it as well, with the same setup (but slightly different directories).

I had to make some changes to our added-on tools because we now have two source directories to build from (yes, we do in-source builds; I've been unable to convince the existing team that this is evil). And now it doesn't work for him.

What's happening is that none of the WIN32, APPLE, UNIX variables are being set. And I'll be ****ed if I can figure out what normally sets them!

The CMake command is:
        cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE:string=".\zosport.cmake" -G"Unix Makefiles" .\

and I was guessing that the -G"Unix Makefiles" was setting UNIX (which is what we need), but no.

I'm sure this is something stupid and obvious...

Phil Smith III
phil at voltage.com
Voltage Security, Inc.
(703) 476-4511 (home office)
(703) 568-6662 (cell)

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