[CMake] source_group with XCode?

Glenn Hughes ghughes02138 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 11 15:45:25 EST 2009

Hi again, I'm trying to use the source_group command with XCode, and
its marginally working, but in a flaky sorta way.
I was wondering what other people have any tips.

The behavior I'm seeing is:
Groups in the form

		source_group( Name FILES ${source} )		

Work OK, they add a top-level group to the current target's file list

		source_group( Name/SubName FILES ${source} )		

XCode treats this as a single name, in other words I get groups named

		source_group( Name\SubName FILES ${source} )		
		source_group( Name\\SubName FILES ${source} )		

have the same behavior: The parent group name is dropped. I simply get
groups named SubName.

I guess or now I'll go with "/" in that it at least still represents
the folder structure, and it sounds like maybe its more compatible
with Visual Studio.
Anything else I should try?


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