Tobias Hilbrich Tobias.Hilbrich at zih.tu-dresden.de
Thu Dec 3 07:23:45 EST 2009

Hi all,

I am new to this list and hope its the right point of contact for 
feature/enhancement proposals, if not, please give me the right pointer.

I experienced that CMake 2.8 automatically figures out how to link a 
C/Fortran executable when linking to a static C++ library, great. 
However I already had my own system in place to figure out that data, as 
I have to output this information to the user of my application. So my 
tests failed for CMake 2.8, as it was doing the right things in the 
background, but I didn't knew where to look for the magic that was used 
internally by CMake, which I have to know in order to give the 
information to the user. After hours of googling I finally found the 
right variables to read this information 
"CMAKE_CXX_IMPLICIT_LINK_LIBRARIES". None of these variables are 
documented anywere, the only pointer to these comes from a single Forum 
post. I would strongly advice to document these variables, as this is 
something that users might need to know.


Tobias Hilbrich
Chemnitzer Straße 48b
01187 Dresden
Tel.: +49 351 463 35876
Fax: +49 351 463 37773

Geschäftsführer: Claus-Peter Held
Prokuristin: Beate-Victoria Ermisch
Die GWT ist eingetragen beim Amtsgericht Dresden - HRB: 13 840 

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