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Mon Aug 10 18:29:21 EDT 2009

am using, but something goes wrong.

Is there anything I could try?

Thanks for your help,
Arnaud Devalkeneer.

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Hi,<br><br>I have a strange behaviour with add_custom_comand with its outpu=
t form.<br>This command is called two or three times, even the file depende=
ncy has not been changed and the output exists.<br><br>I wrote :<br><br>
ECT_NAME}.tcl<br>=A0=A0=A0 DEPENDS ${${PROJECT_NAME}_CDLS}<br>=A0=A0=A0 COM=
MENT &quot;Generating ${PROJECT_NAME} include files from CDLs&quot;<br>
=A0 )<br><br>ADD_LIBRARY(${PROJECT_NAME} SHARED <br>=A0=A0=A0 =A0=A0=A0 =A0=
=A0=A0 ${${PROJECT_NAME}_SRCS} <br>=A0=A0=A0 =A0=A0=A0 =A0=A0=A0 ${${PROJEC=
T_NAME}_WOK_GENERATED_INCLUDE}<br><br>The problem is :<br>when I update a c=
dl file involved in the list ${${PROJECT_NAME}_CDLS}, the custom command is=
 triggered several times.<br>
And when I re-do a make, this is triggered again regardless the fact that I=
 do not change the cdl file again.<br><br>So I wonder what the easiest way =
is in cmake to trigger ONCE a command if cmake detects that a list of OUTPU=
T does not exists and/or detects a change in the DEPEND list.<br>
And to be sure that otherwise the custom command is not called.<br>From doc=
umentation I had understood that this can be achieved by the way I am using=
, but something goes wrong.<br><br>Is there anything I could try?<br><br>
Thanks for your help,<br>Arnaud Devalkeneer.<br><br><br>


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