[CMake] Problems with CMAKE language selection

Carminati Federico federico.carminati at cern.ch
Mon Oct 13 10:32:33 EDT 2008

Dear All,
       I have a problem with Cmake while choosing the language within  
a CMakeList.txt. It was explained to me on this list that this is  
indeed not possible, however a friend pointed me out an "undocumented"  
feature of CMake. If you initialise the CMakeLists.txt with

Project(MyProject NONE)

you can enable languages within the CMakeLists.txt after having set  
the CMAKE_<compiler>_COMPILER variable. Most things seem to work,  
however there is a snag. If I run the attached simple CMakeLists.txt  
on the mac, I get the following error message

CMake Error at /usr/local/share/cmake-2.7/Modules/ 
CMakeFindBinUtils.cmake:59 (MESSAGE):
   Could not find install_name_tool, please check your installation.

The reason is that the variable CMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_TOOL is pre-set to  
be "install_name_tool", so that when in CMakeFindBinUtils.cmake,  
specifically for the Mac, this program is looked up at line 55, being  
the variable defined, it is not found. This may have something to do  
with the comment at line 50 of Darwin.cmake, which talks about an  
"hack"... This is easily solved uncommenting line 12 of the attached  
CMakeLists.txt that resets to NOTFOUND the variable.

Is this a bug? Should I submit this to Mantis? Any remarks? Thanks and  
best regards,

Federico Carminati
1211 Geneva 23
Tel: +41 22 76 74959
Fax: +41 22 76 68505
Mobile: +41 76 487 4843

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