[CMake] Running cmake multiple times to resolve cache variables

Luke Kucalaba lkucalaba at dsci.com
Fri Oct 10 13:47:27 EDT 2008

Correction, that email somehow got corrupted wrt the newlines.  These
should be on two separate lines:

Set(EXE_DEF "somedef")  #executable defs
Set(LIB_DEF "somedef")  #library def overrides

Sorry about that,

-----Original Message-----
From: Luke Kucalaba 
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2008 1:46 PM
To: 'Bill Hoffman'
Cc: cmake at cmake.org
Subject: RE: [CMake] Running cmake multiple times to resolve cache

Thanks Bill, I understand exactly what you are talking about.  I looked
into our cmake project structure, and ran some tests.  I think we
originally started out using a sequentially correct organization, but we
ran into problems with the Include_Directories() command passing down
the include directories to each subdirectory, when we really want a
subdirectory to be treated as a completely stand-alone module (for
instance, an independent static library project).  The other problem is
that the CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES variable doesn't seem to get applied
unless you run cmake a second time (we only want to have Debug and
Release configurations in MSVC71).

You are completely correct in that we needed to reorganize our project
structure.  I came up with a workaround for the include directories

This was our old sequence (required two passes):

Add_Subdirectory(LIB)   #load library project
Set(EXE_DEF "somedef")  #executable defs
Set(LIB_DEF "somedef")  #library def overrides
Include_Directories()   #set include directories for exe
Target_Link_Libraries(EXE LIB)
Add_Dependencies(EXE LIB)

Here is our sequence now (only needs one pass):

Set(EXE_DEF "somedef")  #executable defs
Set(LIB_DEF "somedef")  #library def overrides
Add_Subdirectory(LIB)   #load library project
Include_Directories()   #set include directories for exe
Target_Link_Libraries(EXE LIB)
Add_Dependencies(EXE LIB)

By putting the Include_Directories() after the Add_Subdirectory() it
prevented the unwanted behavior.

Still don't know how to set the build configurations with
CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES using a single pass, but other than that this
seems to be working with one pass.  Thanks for your help :-D


-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Hoffman [mailto:bill.hoffman at kitware.com] 
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2008 12:42 PM
To: Luke Kucalaba
Cc: cmake at cmake.org
Subject: Re: [CMake] Running cmake multiple times to resolve cache

Luke Kucalaba wrote:
> I think the reason we need to run cmake.exe multiple times is because
> typically have a "main" project that automatically sets the options of
> dependent projects.  For example, our main executable project has an
> option "ENABLE_NETWORKING", which then triggers automatic changes for
> various global CACHE variables that are used in subdirectories
> (sub-projects) that have already been processed (using CACHE STRING
> FORCE).  This requires the user to run cmake.exe again to reprocess
> those subdirectories.  Is this not something that we should be doing?
> Or am I not understanding how the multiple passes of cmake works?
> Luke

I still don't get your problem.  The use of CACHE FORCE is usually a bad

idea.   A CMake project should not need to be run twice to work 
correctly.  Basically, you have created cmake files that do not use the 
correct order of evaluation.

Here is one example of that:

add_library(foo ...)
# I use SOME_LIB before it is set
target_link_library(foo ${SOME_LIB})

# Now I add a sub directory A, that sets SOME_LIB as a cache variable
    A: set(SOME_LIB mylib CACHE FORCE)

This would require two runs of cmake to get the value of SOME_LIB 
correct in the toplevel cmake file.

Basically, if your project requires double runs of CMake, then it has a


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