[CMake] Finding Boost 1.37 with Cmake 2.6.2 on windows

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Fri Nov 21 15:25:16 EST 2008

On 21.11.08 14:16:04, Gerrick Bivins wrote:
> I'm trying to use CMake to build one of my utilities and I'm having
> problems finding Boost (1.37).

> #include(FindBoost)

This is wrong.
> find_package(Boost COMPONENTS iostreams filesystem regex system
> date_time REQUIRED) 

This one needs a 


before it as is documented in the cmake manpage (which I don't know how to
access on windows unfortunately) and the top of the FindBoost.cmake file.

The module itself only knows about versions up to 1.36.1 as boost thinks
its funny to include the version number into the library names. The
variable allows to support later versions.


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