Christopher Harvey chris at basementcode.com
Sat Nov 15 19:45:54 EST 2008

what is ${project_SOURCE_DIR} ?

try adding MESSAGE("project_SOURCE_DIR is '${project_SOURCE_DIR}'")
right before that line in your cmakelists. I have a sneaking suspicion
it's not what you think it is. You have to use something like
${project_SOURCE_DIR}/../include instead.

BRM wrote:
> I have a project with the following layout where '/' is the root of the project workspace:
> /
> /project
> /project/CMakeLists.txt
> /project/<source here>
> /include
> /include/project
> /include/project/<headers here>
> /CMakeLists.txt
> To be clear - I am doing an out-of-source build at /build (again).
> This is okay. I finds the source and all, and tries to build; however, it doesn't find the includes.
> I have tried adding the following line to both the /CMakeLists.txt and /project/CMakeLists.txt:
> (assuming 'project' is the name of the project).
> However, every time I run 'make' it complains about not being able to find the include files.
> I know I did this a few years back on a project I no longer have access
> to. So I know it is doable, but for some reason, I am having problems
> with it.
> What am I doing wrong?
> Ben
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