[CMake] rebuild forces reloading of all project in VS2008

David Solbach d at vidsolbach.de
Fri May 30 10:22:29 EDT 2008

Indeed, after upgrading to cmake 2.6.0 I don't have those problems anymore.

Thanks a lot!


Zitat von Bill Hoffman <bill.hoffman at kitware.com>:

> John Biddiscombe wrote:
>> Yes. me too. it's very annoying. If a cmakelists file is touched   
>> when I build paraview (but individual projects are not actually   
>> changed), the entire 120 odd project/targets need to be reloaded   
>> and its quicker to just terminate the app and restart. For a while   
>> cmake did some sort of macro wizardry which automatically reloaded   
>> the solution. Then it stopped doing it (I'm using cmake 2.4.8 so   
>> probably I should upgrade).
> This was addressed in CMake 2.6.0.  We install a macro that allows us
> to only have one reload, and the build actually continues.   This never
> worked in 2.4.8.  Some versions of visual studio only had one reload
> but it did not work reliably.
> -Bill

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