[CMake] Dealing with dll PATH on Windows

KSpam keesling_spam at cox.net
Thu May 22 14:20:22 EDT 2008


On Thursday 22 May 2008 02:05:33 Hendrik Sattler wrote:
> KSpam schrieb:
> > Using this add-in would require that I create a corresponding .slnenv
> > file for each .sln file generated by CMake.  In my case, the contents of
> > the .slnenv files can be the same (I am just setting PATH).
> >
> > What is the best way to accomplish generating a .slnenv file for each
> > generated .sln file?
> >
> > It seems like this type of capability would greatly enhance the usability
> > of CMake for developers using Visual Studio.  Would this add-in make
> > sense as an enhancement to CMake?
> What can it do that CMake doesn't already do? Nothing from a first look.

As far as I can tell, CMake does not currently do this.  When setting 
environment variables via $ENV{PATH}, these variables are only in effect 
during the CMake configuration and build file generation.  I need the 
variables to be in effect for the loaded solution file (When I run an 
executable from Visual Studio, I need PATH to be setup to find the required 

There would probably be a way to accomplish this in CMake if it is possible to 
set registry entries from CMake.  I see that CMake can get registry entries; 
however, I do not see that there is a way to set registry entries.

Am I missing something?  Is there a way to set registry entries from CMake?


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