[CMake] windows paths...

Eric NOULARD eric.noulard at gmail.com
Mon May 12 11:47:28 EDT 2008

Le Mon, 12 May 2008 06:37:20 -0700,
"Phil Pellouchoud" <Phil at slacker.com> a écrit :

> doesn't work:
> S:\software\fubar\build>type ..\CMakeLists.txt
> FILE( TO_CMAKE_PATH GLOB "S:\software\data\profiles.xml" )
> FILE( TO_CMAKE_PATH GLOB S:\software\data\profiles.xml )

You cannot both "GLOB" and "TO_CMAKE_PATH" which are distinct
(and exclusive) command options from  the FILE command.
for more detail see cmake --help-command FILE

You usually

1) Transform whatever [eventually escaped] path to CMAKE representation
   SET(A_PATH "S:\\software\\data\\profiles.xml" )

   This is useful when you obtain the path from env var too:

2) Then use the xxxxx_CMAKE var for other cmake command

   For example finding a program in the path obtained from env var:
                NAMES myprog 
                PATHS ${MYENVAR_CMAKE})

> Also, I need it for commands other than file; like

Use FILE first to transform any PATH into cmake representation
then use whatever CMake  command you need with it 


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