[CMake] File-dependent rebuild

Wojciech Migda wojtek.golf at interia.pl
Sun Jun 15 09:04:33 EDT 2008

>  I'd like to have cmake rebuild upon detecting changes made to a file
>  being part of the project (simple timestamp difference might suffice).
>  This file is not a compiler input itself, but is used to determine the
>  list of source files upon which the library to build is dependant. The
>  file of interest is a versioned object.
OK, I've found a solution, mainly inspired by this thread 
(http://www.cmake.org/pipermail/cmake/2007-July/015357.html). To 
explicitly add cmake dependency, which basicaly means calling 
AddCMakeDependFile, I've used the CONFIGURE_FILE command. In this 
context it simply copies the file to a designated directory (or files, a 
total of which in the whole build tree in my case is approx. 140) and 
ends up adding required entry to the CMAKE_FILE_DEPENDS variable in 


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