[CMake] FindBoost.cmake from 2.6

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Fri Jul 4 03:51:14 EDT 2008

On 03.07.08 19:40:29, Fernando Cacciola wrote:
>> On 03.07.08 12:23:11, Doug Gregor wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 1:24 PM, Fernando Cacciola
>>> <fernando.cacciola at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> (7)
>>>> I couldn't understand the dicotomy between the cached and non-cached
>>>> versions of the include dirs:
>>>> What's the choice for? What doesn't the library dir, or for that 
>>>> matter, the
>>>> libraries list offer the same choice?
>>> I actually don't know why this is the why it is, sorry.
>> I'll try to read the rest later and answer everything, but for now just
>> this: The module needs to be fully backwards compatible to the CMake 2.4
>> version (thats why it was included in 2.6.0), and in cmake 2.4 you had
>> only 2 variables, one for include dirs one for library dirs and did
>> something like
>> link_directories( ${Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS} )
>> target_link_libraries( foo boost-thread )
> Hmm, this explains why there is a cached Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS and a  
> memory-onlu Boost_INCLUDE_DIR?
> If so I don't get it.. can you elaborate?

Well, check out the README file in the Modules directory. It tells you
that Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS shouldn't be cached but it doesn't say anything
about Boost_INCLUDE_DIR. So thats what the module does right now. It
uses Boost_INCLUDE_DIR when searching for the headers (which caches the
value) but sets INCLUDE_DIRS on every run to the cached value if it


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