[CMake] Using CPack to create multiple packages

Filipe Sousa natros at gmail.com
Wed Jan 16 16:36:12 EST 2008

Ted Berg wrote:
> I have a body of source code that I am building with CMake, and I am 
> interested in using CPack for packaging.  The project currently 
> generates 5 packages during the course of a build.  I might be able to 
> reduce that to 3, but it is unlikely to go lower.
> Can CPack do this in one pass?  My initial experiments suggest that it 
> cannot.  I have not, however, found a lot of documentation for CPack so 
> it is quite possible that I missed something.
> Ted

i don't know about cmake 2.4.7 but with cvs you have these variables
CPACK_TZ) that you can change.

just invoke ccmake and then make package

-- filipe sousa

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