[CMake] How to generate compiler error files with CMake

Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman at kitware.com
Tue Jan 15 11:12:08 EST 2008

Dieter Oberkofler wrote:
> We only need the error files when running the makefile on the shell as most
> IDE's have a build-in handling of the errors.
> When working on the shell, or with large (or distributed build systems) it
> is most helpful to have an error file for each compilation or link process. 
> We actually are currently replacing the compiler with a shell script (using
> a SET(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=my_gcc) command) but this is quite complicated
> within CMake.
> Especially on the Windows platform, we really had to create our own little
> c-app in order to parse the temporary parameter file in order to get this
> working.
> I was wondering if we are the only ones that (still) love using the good old
> error files or this might be an enhancement that others would like as well.
> -Dieter 

You could add a feature request to the bug tracker.   On way to 
implement it would be to have a forwarding c program that runs the 
compilers/linkers and traps the output into a file.  That program could 
be part of cmake.


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